K9 Advocate Program

K9 Victim Advocacy Program

There is now significant data confirming dogs, and pets in general, are beneficial for psychological health and may increase quality of life.

Testifying in court can be a terrifying prospect for a victim of crime, as in most instances the accused are just feet away. By providing comfort, confidence and a sense of security Fanta has proven to be one of the most effective Victim Advocates. Since 2015 our staff and clients have witnessed Fanta’s ability to warm, calm and inspire.

Fanta’s other goals are to raise awareness for child abuse issues in addition to being dedicated to community outreach.

About Fanta

Fanta started at Victim Witness Services as a K9 Victim Advocate in 2015. Her primary role is to provide a safe and comforting presence for those who have been hurt or traumatized. While it is obvious that our clients benefit from Fanta’s calming attention, many of our first responder partners also find solace in Fanta’s care. It is not uncommon for attorneys or members of law enforcement to come to Fantas’ office for a visit. Victim Witness Services’ staff may often be found taking Fanta for walks or cuddling with her on the floor.

Fanta is a certified Coco Pups graduate and attended training to become a guide dog for the blind. She soon experienced a career change due to her overwhelming interest in children and food. Fanta is a certified therapy animal through Pet Partners Arizona and is one of a select few therapy dogs allowed to work in Arizona Courts

Fanta Services

If you would like services from our K-9 Advocate Fanta please contact Debbie Fresquez for scheduling and more information at (928) 856-7675

Do you or Someone you know need advocacy?

Call Victim Witness Services at: (928) 856.7676